Module Summary & Congratulations

Congratulations, you’re now a bitcoiner!

Welcome to the world of crypto and Bitcoin. 


Finish your learning by adding your Bitcoin purchase to your Collective Shift dashboard!

Do you feel like a bitcoiner?

Key Takeaways

  • You don’t have to buy 1 whole bitcoin.
  • You can follow our FAST guide on how to buy bitcoin.
  • Collective Shift recommends Binance.
  • You only OWN bitcoin if you hold your private keys!

What’s Next?

Module 1 Overview– CS10523

We hope you’ve acquired a taste for Bitcoin and crypto. There is a whole world and ecosystem to explore—we’re excited to be your guide and help navigate you through the world of cryptocurrency!

Keep posted because we plan to release more courses and tutorials diving deeper into 

  • The Web3 Experience
  • Bitcoin
  • Stablecoins
  • The wider crypto ecosystem
  • DeFi 
  • NFT’s 
  • Gaming 
  • Other